Thursday, 17 May 2007

May 17

Walked 17.28 km today, very fast. Started the day by having a latte with Vera Lemecha at MAWA. After coffee I started walking north on Main thinking I'd cut through the neighbourhood to a bridge over the railway tracks. The north and south sides of the city are divided by major railway yards and there are limited pedestrian opportunities to cross from one side of the city to another. In this case I missed the bridge I was aiming for and ended up much farther west. I passed over the Arlington bridge, which was originally built to span the Nile river in Egypt but ended up in Winnipeg. It also seems to be a dividing line between areas of influence of competing street gangs.
The reason I was walking quickly was because I had a meeting to go for a walk with a group of art educators. I was late. But only a few minutes. We went across the Assiniboine River and back - a short walk of less than 4km.
Cam Woykin dropped by the gallery in the evening and made an arrangement to go for a walk and lunch on Friday. On the walk home I stopped by an opening at Plug In where I ran into Sigrid Dahle and dined on finger food and smoked salmon.

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